Foxit PDF SDK for iOS

How to Fill and Manage Forms with Foxit PDF SDK for iOS

Form (AcroForm) is a collection of fields for gathering information interactively from the user. Foxit PDF SDK provides APIs to view and edit form fields programmatically. Form fields are commonly used in PDF documents to gather data. The Form class offers functions to retrieve form fields or form controls, import/export form data and other features, for example:

  • To retrieve form fields, please use functions FSForm::getFieldCount and FSForm::getField.
  • To retrieve form controls from a PDF page, please use functions FSForm::getControlCount and FSForm::getControl.
  • To import form data from an XML file, please use function FSForm::importFromXML; to export form data to an XML file, please use function FSForm::exportToXML.
  • To retrieve form filler object, please use function FSForm::getFormFiller.

To import form data from a FDF/XFDF file or export such data to a FDF/XFDF file, please refer to functions FSPDFDoc::importFromFDF and FSPDFDoc::exportToFDF.


How to import and export form data from or to a XML file

#import "ViewController.h"
NSString *pdfPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Sample" ofType:@"pdf"];
FSPDFDoc *doc = [[FSPDFDoc alloc] initWithPath:pdfPath];
// Check if the document has a form.
BOOL hasForm = [doc hasForm];
if(hasForm) {
   // Create a form object from document.
   FSForm* form = [[FSForm alloc] initWithDocument:doc];
   // Export the form data to a XML file.
   [form exportToXML:@"/somewhere/export.xml"];
   // Or import the form data from a XML file.
   [form importFromXML:@"/somewhere/export.xml"];

Updated on July 21, 2021

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