Foxit PDF SDK for iOS

How to customize UIExtensions with JSON in Foxit PDF SDK for iOS

Through a configuration file, developers can easily choose the features module, set the rights management and the properties of UI elements without needing to write any additional code or redesign the app’s UI. That helps users easily transfer their UI to a newer upgrade version of the Foxit PDF SDK.

Introduction to JSON file

The configuration file can be provided as a JSON file or implemented directly in code. We recommend you to use the JSON format which is more intuitive and clearer to view and configure the items.

You can refer to the JSON file found in “samples\complete_pdf_viewer\Source\Resource\” folder of Foxit PDF SDK for iOS package. It looks like as follows:

    "modules": {
        "readingbookmark": true,
        "outline": true,
        "annotations": {
            "highlight": true,
            "underline": true,
            "squiggly": true,
            "strikeout": true,
            "insert": true,
            "replace": true,
            "line": true,
            "rectangle": true,
            "oval": true,
            "arrow": true,
            "pencil": true,
            "eraser": true,
            "typewriter": true,
            "textbox": true,
            "callout": true,
            "note": true,
            "stamp": true,
            "polygon": true,
            "cloud": true,
            "polyline": true,
            "distance": true,
            "image": true,
            "audio": true,
            "video": true
        "thumbnail": true,
        "attachment": true,
        "signature": true,
        "search": true,
        "navigation": true,
        "form": true,
        "selection": true,
        "encryption": true
    "permissions": {
        "runJavaScript" : true,
        "copyText" : true,
        "disableLink" : false
    "uiSettings": {
        "displayMode" : "Single",
        "colorMode" : "Normal",
        "zoomMode" : "FitWidth",
        "mapForegroundColor" : "#5d5b71",
        "mapBackgroundColor" : "#00001b",
        "disableFormNavigationBar" : false,
        "highlightForm" : true,
        "highlightLink" : true,
        "highlightLinkColor" : "#16007fff",
        "fullscreen" : false,
        "annotations": {
            "continuouslyAdd" : false,
            "highlight": {
                "color" : "#ffff00",
                "opacity" : 1.0
            "underline": {
                "color" : "#66cc33",
                "opacity" : 1.0
            "squiggly": {
                "color" : "#ff6633",
                "opacity" : 1.0
            "strikeout": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0
            "insert": {
                "color" : "#993399",
                "opacity" : 1.0
            "replace": {
                "color" : "#0000ff",
                "opacity" : 1.0
            "line": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2
            "rectangle": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2
            "oval": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2
            "arrow": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2
            "pencil": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2
            "polygon": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2
            "cloud": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2
            "polyline": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2
            "typewriter": {
                "textColor" : "#0000ff",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "textFace" : "Courier",
                "textSize" : 18.0
            "textbox": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "textColor": "#0000ff",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "textFace" : "Courier",
                "textSize" : 18.0
            "callout": {
                "color": "#ff0000",
                "textColor": "#0000ff",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "textFace" : "Courier",
                "textSize" : 18.0
            "note": {
                "color" : "#ff6633",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "icon" : "Comment"
            "attachment": {
                "color" : "#ff6633",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "icon" : "Pushpin"
            "image": {
                "rotation" : 0,
                "opacity" : 1.0
            "distance": {
                "color" : "#ff0000",
                "opacity" : 1.0,
                "thickness" : 2,
                "scaleFromUnit" : "inch",
                "scaleToUnit" : "inch",
                "scaleFromValue" : 1,
                "scaleToValue" : 1
        "signature": {
        "color" : "#000000",
        "thickness" : 4


  1. The values in the above JSON file are the default settings for the configuration items. If some configuration items are not in the JSON file, the default settings will be used. For example, if you comment out “highlight”: true,”, it is still enabled.
  2. Only the attachment annotation in the Annotation setting bar (See Error! Reference source not found., to find the Annotation setting bar, just click Comment at the bottom bar, and then click the three dots button) is not controlled by the subitems in “annotations”. ““attachment”: true,” controls the attachments panel and attachment annotation. If you set it to “false”, both of them will be disabled. If you want to hide “Comment” in the bottom bar, you should set both “annotations” and “attachment” to false“.

Figure 4-1

The above picture does not display all of the annotation tools. You can swipe left on the setting bar to see the other annotation tools.

Configuration items description

The JSON configuration file includes three parts: feature modules, rights management, and UI settings (for example, UI elements properties). This section will set forth the configuration items in detail.

Configure feature module

Note: The value type of the feature module items is bool, where “true” means that the feature module will be enabled, and “false” means that the feature module will be disabled. The default value is “true”.
[table id=38 /]

Configure rights management

Note: The value type of the configuration items is bool, where “true” means that the permission will be enabled, and “false” means that the permission will be disabled. The default value of runJavaScript and copyText is “true”, and the default value of disableLink is “false”.
[table id=39 /]

Configure UI settings

UI Items Description/ Property Items Value Type Available Value/Note Default value Note
displayMode Page display mode String Single/
Single For iOS phone, it only supports Single/Continous/Reflow modes.
For dynamic XFA files, it doesn’t support Reflow mode.
zoomMode Page zoom mode String FitWidth/FitPage FitWidth
colorMode Page color display mode String Normal/Night/Map Normal “Night” is a special “Map” mode.
mapForegroundColor Foreground color of page display RGB #5d5b71 It is valid only when “colorMode” is set to “Map”.
mapBackgroundColor Background color of page dispay RGB #00001b It is valid only when “colorMode” is set to “Map”.
disableFormNavigationBar Whether to disable the supplementary navigation bar of the form Bool true/false false
highlightForm Whether to highlight form field Bool true/false true
highlightFormColor The highlight color of forms ARGB #200066cc It includes alpha channel, and it is invalid for dynamic XFA document.
highlightLink Whether to highlight hyperlink Bool true/false true
highlightLinkColor The highlight color of links ARGB #16007fff It includes alpha channel.
fullscreen Whether to display in full-screen mode Bool true/false false It will be in full-screen mode immediately when opening a document if “fullscreen” is set to “true”.
If the user clicks on the page, the toolbar will be displayed. After 5 seconds, if it is in full-screen mode, the toolbar and other auxiliary tool buttons will be hidden automatically.
annotations continuously add Bool true/false false Whether to add annotation continuously
highlight color RGB #ffff00
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
underline color RGB #66cc33
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
squiggly color RGB #ff6633
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
strikeout color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
insert color RGB #993399
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
replace color RGB #0000ff
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
line color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
rectangle color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
oval color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
arrow color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
pencil color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
polygon color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
cloud color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
polyline color RGB #ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
typewriter textColor RGB #0000ff
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
textFace String Courier/
Courier Text font name.
If set to an invalid value, the default value will be used.
textSize Integer >=1 18
textbox color RGB #ff0000
textColor RGB #0000ff
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
textFace String Courier/
Courier Text font name.
If set to an invalid value, the default value will be used.
textSize Integer >=1 18
callout color RGB #ff0000
textColor RGB #0000ff
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
textFace String Courier/
Courier Text font name.
If set to an invalid value, the default value will be used.
textSize Integer >=1 18
note color RGB #ff6633
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
icon String Comment/
Comment If set to an invalid value, the default value will be used.
attachment color RGB #ff6633
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
icon String Graph/
image rotation numeric 0/90/180/270 0 If set to an invalid value, the default value will be used.
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
distance color RGB ff0000
opacity numeric [0.0-1.0] 1.0
thickness numeric [1-12] 2
scaleFromUnit String pt/m/cm/mm/inch/p/ft/yd inch The original unit of the scale.
If set to an invalid value, the default value will be used.
scaleToUnit String pt/m/cm/mm/inch/p/ft/yd inch The target unit of the scale.
If set to an invalid value, the default value will be used.
scaleFromValue numeric 1 The original value of the scale
scaleToValue numeric 1 The target value of the scale
signature color RGB #000000
thickness numeric [1-12] 4 z

Instantiate a UIExtensionsManager object with the configuration file

We have already introduced how to initialize UIExtensionsManager, and in this way, all the built-in UI framework would be loaded by default. In this section, we will provide another method to initialize UIExtensionsManager that uses the configuration file, so that developers can easily customize the UI as desired.

Please refer to the following code to instantiate a UIExtensionsManager object with the configuration file.

Note: You should prepare the JSON configuration file, and then add it to your project. Here, we assume that you have already added a JSON file named “uiextensions_config.json“.

In ViewController.m: (Objective-C)

UIExtensionsManager* extensionsManager;
// Instantiate a FSPDFViewCtrl object with the size of the entire screen.
FSPDFViewCtrl* pdfViewCtrl;
pdfViewCtrl = [[FSPDFViewCtrl alloc] initWithFrame: [self.view bounds]];
// Get the path of the JSON configuration file.
NSString* configPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"uiextensions_config" ofType:@"json"];
// Initialize a UIExtensionsManager object and set it to pdfViewCtrl.
extensionsManager = [[UIExtensionsManager alloc] initWithPDFViewControl:pdfViewCtrl configuration:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:configPath]];
if (nil == extensionsManager) {
pdfViewCtrl.extensionsManager = extensionsManager;

In ViewController.swift: (Swift)

var extensionsManager: UIExtensionsManager!
// Initialize a FSPDFViewCtrl object with the size of the entire screen
var pdfViewCtrl: FSPDFViewCtrl!
pdfViewCtrl = FSPDFViewCtrl.init(frame:self.view.bounds)
// Get the path of the JSON configuration file.
let configPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "uiextensions_config", ofType: "json")
var data: Data?
if nil != configPath {
     data = NSData(contentsOfFile: configPath!) as Data?
// Initialize a UIExtensionsManager object and set it to pdfViewCtrl.
extensionsManager = UIExtensionsManager.init(pdfViewControl: pdfViewCtrl, configuration: data)
if nil == extensionsMgr  {
pdfViewCtrl.extensionsManager = extensionsManager;

Note: Here, we use a configuration file to initialize the UIExtensionsManager. If you do not want to use the configuration file, please refer to the Objective-C and Swift versions.

Examples for customizing UI through a configuration file

In this section, we will show you how to customize feature modules, rights management and UI settings (for example, UI elements properties) in your project. You will find it is extremely easy! You only need to modify the configuration file. Below you can see some examples of how to do it.

Note: For your convenience, we will try it in the “complete_pdf_viewer” (Objective-C) and “complete_pdf_viewer_swift” (Swift) demos found in the “samples” folder.

Open the demos in Xcode. Find the configuration file “uiextensions_config.json” under “complete_pdf_viewer\Resource” or “complete_pdf_viewer_swift\Resource”.

Example 1: Disable “readingbookmark” and “navigation” feature modules.

In the JSON file, set the values of “readingbookmark” and “navigation” to “false” as follows:

"readingbookmark": true,
"navigation": true,

Then, rebuild and run the demo to see the result. Following lists the comparison diagrams:



The “readingbookmark” and “navigation” feature modules are removed.

Example 2: Disable hyperlinks.

In the JSON file, set the value of “disableLink” to “true” as follows:

"permissions": {
     "runJavaScript": true,
     "copyText": true,
     "disableLink": true

Then, rebuild and run the demo to see the result, and you will find that there is no response when clicking the hyperlinks.

Example 3: Set the highlight color from yellow to red.

In the JSON file, set the color property of “highlight” to “#ff0000” as follows:

"highlight": {
    "color" : "#ff0000",
    "opacity" : 1.0

Then, rebuild and run the demo to see the result.

Updated on May 20, 2019

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